All new editors are required to perform at least two edits in the month following acceptance. This means the edits need to be both claimed and finished within the month in question to count. If this requirement is not met, the new editor will be removed from the organization and cannot rejoin without reapplying. If there are any issues with meeting this requirement, you must contact one of the coordinators to request a formal extension, and we will do our best to work around your circumstances.
This requirement only applies to new members who were accepted as editors, not writers promoted to editors.
Even after the first month, all editors must continue to edit at least one synopsis per month in order to keep their position and the "Rewrite Editor" banner on their MAL profile. If an editor fails to fulfill this quota without notifying a coordinator prior, they will become a writer. If you know you cannot meet this requirement for a month, you can contact a coordinator ahead of time for an extension or, in extreme cases, skip the quota for that month. You may also voluntarily choose to step down to a writer position.
Last updated