Filling Out the Tracker Step-by-Step
Instructions on how to fill out the Synopses Tracker.
Last updated
Instructions on how to fill out the Synopses Tracker.
Last updated
1. You may only claim ONE synopsis at a time, and you must finish it (or remove it, if you change your mind) before claiming another. We ask that you try your best to finish your synopsis within two weeks of the claim date; for ongoing seasonals, please complete your synopsis within one week following the airing of the third episode. Do not proceed to the next step if you know you will be too busy to write it in the appropriate timeframe.
2. Scroll down to the first empty row in the Synopses In Progress sheet of the Synopses Tracker. In this row, you will fill out the necessary information below:
Date Claimed: Today's date, the day you are claiming the synopsis, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Series Title: The series name, spelled exactly as it appears on MAL. If there is more than one name, use the bolded title in black.
Copy the bolded title from the MAL page and press CTRL + SHIFT + V on Windows / CMD + SHIFT + V on Mac to paste the name into the tracker without messing up any of the formatting. Add a hyperlink to the MAL page by right-clicking the cell and selecting Insert Link or pressing CTRL + K on Windows / CMD + K on Mac.
If you are writing for an ongoing seasonal anime that was assigned to you by raffle, please add a note in the cell stating "Seasonal" by right-clicking the cell and selecting Insert note.
Type: The choices are Anime, Manga, or Novel. Manhwa and Manhua fall under Manga as well.
Writer: The MAL—not Discord—username of the writer (you).
Google Doc: A link to the document containing your synopsis. The next section will explain how to create your synopsis document and where to save it. An asterisk indicates that your synopsis contains new background information. To add a hyperlink to your document, right-click the cell and select Insert Link or press CTRL + K on Windows / CMD + K on Mac.
Final Edit: The choices are Yes or No. Choosing "Yes" means that you wish to be notified when an editor completes their adjustments so you can produce a final draft or "final edit." Note that you are not required to make any actual changes in your final edit if you are already satisfied with the editor's finished product. Writer > Editor > Writer > Coordinator Choosing "No" means that your synopsis will go straight to a coordinator after editing is completed. Writer > Editor > Coordinator
Ready?: Signals the status of your synopsis. Set to "No" while you are writing your first draft. Set to "Yes" when your synopsis is ready for editing. If you chose "Yes" for Final Edit, then the editor will set this to "Final" when it is ready for your final edit, and you will set it to "Yes" again when your final edit is done. If you chose "No" for Final Edit, then the editor will set it to "Yes" after editing.
3. The other columns not mentioned above can be ignored by the writer (you).
4. Once you have finished writing your synopsis and set Ready? to "Yes," you are free to claim and write another synopsis. You do not have to wait for this synopsis to get edited/published.
Regardless of whether you want to do a final edit yourself, a coordinator will always complete their own final edit after everyone else. Setting the wrong status in the Ready? column may result in a coordinator messaging you about missed deadlines.
If you ever make a mistake in the tracker, press CTRL+Z on Windows / CMD + Z on Mac to undo the change immediately. Be especially careful not to flip Yes/No cells by accident. It is difficult for anyone to realize that an error has occurred, and significant time may pass before anyone notices.
Most cells are filled with certain colors via conditional formatting. Please do not manually change the colors of cells. Let a coordinator know if something is not displaying properly, or else they may notice and fix it eventually.