More Info
Below are templates for the More Info section concerning both anime and manga entries.
Template phrasings in red are necessary information to include. Text in green is optional.
Broadcast Delay
Phrasing: The broadcast of episode NUMBER initially scheduled to air on DATE, was delayed until DATE, due to REASON OF DELAY.
Notes: The phrasing can be adjusted based on the number of delays, if a date of when the broadcast will resume is provided at the time of writing, or the type of entry in question—particularly Movie-type entries.
(V.6.3 of the Anime Guidelines)
Early Streaming of TV Anime
One Episode: Episode NUMBER was streamed in advance on DATE, on STREAMING SERVICE. Regular broadcasting began on DATE.
Full Series: Each episode was streamed TIME PERIOD in advance of the TV broadcast starting on DATE, on STREAMING SERVICE. Regular broadcasting began on DATE.
Notes: Information about an episode/multiple episodes of a TV anime being streamed online before those episodes were broadcast on TV.
Such information should always be placed in More Info. If the broadcasting information concerns the whole release and the anime in question is currently airing, place it in Background Info as well.
(V.6.3 of the Anime Guidelines)
Preview Screenings
Film: [i]FILM TITLE[/i] was previewed at a screening at EVENT on DATE. Regular screenings premiered in Japanese theaters on DATE.
TV Series: Episode NUMBER was previewed at a screening at LOCATION on DATE. Regular broadcasting began on DATE.
Notes: For films, include any screenings which precede the Japanese (or Chinese/Korean for works targeted at those markets) theater release. For TV anime, include any episodes which were screened prior to being broadcast on TV.
(V.6.3 of the Anime Guidelines)
Last updated